Personal questionnaire - Employee

Personal information


Previous employment

Do you have another employment relationship?

Are you a resident of Slovakia?

A resident is a person who has center of their life interests in the territory of the Slovak Republic – they live, work, stay, have obligations in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
Even if they work in the territory of another state, it is not more than 25 % of the scope of employment.

Are you under 32 and have a child under 18?

Are you a recipient of a disability pension?

Are you in a potential conflict of interest with Orange Slovensko a.s.?

the conditions. (required)
Sending form

* Conflict of interest arises:
- when a situation of undue influence arises between the interests of the company and
(a) the employee's own private interests or (b) the interests of a natural person or legal entity with which the employee is associated or has a close relationship; and
- where the situation of undue influence is likely to affect or is likely to affect the independent and impartial exercise of his/her professional activities.