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Orange prihlásenie
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vyberte si spôsob prihlásenia
Login via SMS
Step 1 of 2
Enter phone number
Phone number
Please enter your
phone number.
We will send you
verification code
in the following step.
SMS code verification
is free of charge
The SMS code can be send to any Slovak mobile phone number.
If you have sign up with a data service, when verifying by SMS code, please enter the number to which we should sent the SMS code and not the subscribe number. (Example: You use Orange Internet and the SMS code is sent to your Prima number).
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Stay logged in
If you login from a computer or mobile device that you share with others (e. g.: family computer, friend’s phone or an internet café), make sure that you logout of your Orange account.
prihlásenie e-mailovou adresou a heslom
prihlásenie cez sieť Orange